Come and Sing Messiah
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”. The words rang out, proclaiming again the Christmas message and the glorious music of George Frederick Handel again filled St Peter’s Church in Ruddington as a hundred or so singers came together to raise their voices in singing Handel’s Messiah.
In December 2022, Ruddington & District Choral Society was joined by anyone who just wished to come along and join in the singing under the enthusiastic and talented baton of RDCS Musical Director Paul Hayward had that special human factor and it showed. Soloists Jane Harwood and Philip Leach and organ maestro Michael Overbury led the singers who came along on a cold December night to continue the great tradition of Messiah.
At the interval, everyone was ready for a steaming hot cup of tea or coffee and as we nibbled our biscuits and mince pies, sipped the warming brew, and met old friends a collection was made for the “British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal” – surely an apposite charity in these troubled times.